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Weekly update 1/10/21

It was great to see everyone after our long winter break! We opened with a prayer, led by Rabbi Rapport, for courage and comfort and shared thoughts and feelings about the events of the past week. We...
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Weekly update 12-6-20

Today we began by meditating on what we would do/create if given manna today in this season when we’re bombarded with so many divisive and consumption-related messages.  It was a great way to...
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Update 11-22-2020

Further exploration of our path to America, Jewish representation in the Sci Fi genre, and the value of pikuach nefesh and how it relates to self care, especially in this age of...
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HSJS News Update

What a wonderful sight to see: everyone’s eager faces on our Zoom screens as we kicked off the 2020-2021/5781 school year for our Louisville High School of Jewish Studies! We introduced ourselves,...
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End of Year Update

We had one of our most engaging sessions today for our 2019-2020 wrap-up! We finally got to take our tour of Old Jewish Louisville: we delved into the history and origin of all the Jewish...
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HSJS Virtual Learning Update

Thinking of all of you and hoping you’re making the most of the extra time with your families as we all work to “flatten the curve.” Here are several resources that I’m passing along...
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With news of school closings and city and state-wide efforts to manage the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the High School of Jewish Studies will be closing for 3 weeks. While this takes us...
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HSJS Update 3-1-2020

Today we did more exploration of Jews and Science Fiction, wrapped the “stationary” classroom portion of Coming to America, got centered with a guided meditation, and delved further into our 9th...
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Weekly update 2/23/2020

This afternoon we were privileged to see Prosecuting Evil:  The Extraordinary World of Ben Ferencz, part of the 22nd Annual Louisville Jewish Film Festival. Thanks to a generous grant from...
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Update 2/9/2020

Was Alexander Hamilton Jewish? If so, why would he hide his Jewish roots? Does this change our understanding of the value of Freedom of Religion proclaimed by Washington, Jefferson, and...
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