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Weekly update 3-17-19

We had a great day today with an almost full house! Our Jewish Feminists continued watching and discussing the film, Yentl, and our Scattered Fragments students continued digging further into...
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Weekly update 3-10-19

We’re at T-2 sessions to go, which is hard to believe. Let’s all make every effort to end the year on a high note with as close to perfect attendance as we can get.  There’s still a lot of...
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Weekly update 3-3-19

Just another typical, engaging, meaningful day of learning at HSJS today—we’ve only got 3 more sessions for this school year so let’s make each one count! Don’t forget to set your clocks...
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Weekly update 2-24-19

There was so much positive energy flowing through our classrooms today, thanks in large part to having an almost full house (and the usual awesomeness that is standard for our HSJS curriculum)....
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Weekly update 2-17-19

Kudos are in order for the 8 students in attendance today and the families who let us know their children would be absent—on the plus side, several students learned about Chiune Sugihara, the...
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Weekly update 2/10/19

I took an informal poll after seeing today’s powerful film, and A Bag of Marbles received a resounding two thumbs up on the Roger Ebert scale of movie reviews. Thanks again to Festival Director...
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Weekly update 2-3-19

We were a small but mighty group of eager students today, from biblical archeologists to Jewish feminists to Jewish bioethicists, there was a lot of engaging learning going on! Remember, next week...
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Weekly update 1/27/19

It was great to see everyone today:  we had almost perfect attendance—woo hoo!! Our Confirmation students joined together to learn and share with guest speaker, Haleh Karimi, Executive Director of...
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No Classes Today

HSJS is CANCELLED today due to icy road conditions. Please be safe and stay warm! See you next Sunday!
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Weekly update

It was great to see everyone back for our spring semester today! We’ve got a great line-up of classes, from Jewish Relationships and Chai Mitzvah to Jewish Feminism, Jewish Bioethics, and Biblical...
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