HSJS News Update

What a wonderful sight to see: everyone’s eager faces on our Zoom screens as we kicked off the 2020-2021/5781 school year for our Louisville High School of Jewish Studies! We introduced ourselves, talked about Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, and then learned about the wide range of elective courses we can offer this year: Guided Meditation/Torah Yoga; Jews and Sci Fi; Kabbalah; LGBTQ Judaism; Coming to America; The Jewish League: Jews and Superhero Comics; and Jewish Sources on Racial Justice. We then polled the students: Our schedule will be driven by student vote!

Our next day of learning together is Sunday, October 25, at 3:30. I’ll send the links to join on the Friday before. Please also insure that one adult/household is signed up for our Remind text notifications by texting @hsjs502 to 81010 so you get any last minute announcements or schedule changes.