Weekly update 9-26-16

Even with our abbreviated schedule, we had a great day yesterday:  10th and 11th graders got to hear a brief presentation from Reuven Spero from the Alexander Muss High School in Israel about their 6-week, 8-week, and semester long study abroad programs in Israel.  And our 9th graders in Jewish Relationships explored concepts around how the way we treat our bodies and souls matter to us, to God, and to others, particularly to other people in our Jewish community.

Sincere thanks to those of you who remember to let me know by 10 pm on Saturday nights that your children will be absent.  While we were able to share our leftover pizza with the intrepid Troop 30 Boy Scout Hunger Walk walkers, we definitely ordered too much pizza: please help us be good stewards of your tuition dollars by letting me know about absences in advance!

We’re off for the next two weeks for the High Holidays.  Wishing everyone a Shana tovah u’metukah, a sweet and good year.