2019-2020 Update!

Mazal tov on another great year of Jewish education, community-building, and engagement for our students and their families!


Since the end of our school year, a task force including our clergy, faculty, and representatives from our Board and parents have been hard at work reviewing all of the great things that make our school such an enriching and engaging environment for our students, identifying opportunities for growth and improvement, and incorporating student input we solicited this year.
  • We will continue to offer a wide variety of classes that our students enjoy and consistently rank very highly, including opportunities for our Confirmation classes to collaborate throughout the year.
  • We will continue to meet on Sundays (starting on September 8), but from 5-7:45 pm, with occasional exceptions based on programming, instead of earlier in the afternoon.
  • Instead of meeting every Sunday, we will meet approximately 2X/month over the course of the school year, minimizing scheduling conflicts with other Jewish youth and community activities.
  • We’re also going to start meeting at our community synagogues, rotating roughly by semester, thereby continuing to build our students’ connections within our Jewish community.  We’ll start in September by meeting at The Temple.
  • We will continue to offer the same travel opportunity for our older students and be able to offer some new courses like Jewish Cooking.
The start of registration was deferred while the task force completed its work but will be available online soon once our website is updated. I’ll send an email announcing when we’re ready for you to start signing up!
I want to thank the task force for its good work in making these improvements and the Board for their unanimous approval of them.