We were privileged to hear and learn from Matt Goldberg, Director of the Louisville JCRC during our collective time this evening. Matt shared about his work, especially regarding combating anti-Semitism and all forms of hatred and racism. Confirmation students learned about Israeli politics and heard from a Syrian refugee who shared her experience. That, combined […]
It was great to see everyone as we kicked off our second semester exploring the Jewish connections to Sci Fi and specifically to Star Trek, the beginning of Jews coming to America, and celebrated being together with a spirited song session. Have a good couple weeks and we’ll see you at AJ on January 26 […]
It’s time to get pumped for our second semester of inspiring, meaningful, engaging Jewish learning and social time with each other. Here’s what you need to know:Our first session is this Sunday, January 12, meeting at our usual time of 5-7:30 pm. This semester we’ll be meeting at Adath Jeshurun (AJ) at 2401 Woodbourne Ave., […]
We sang together, explored L’cha Dodi within the framework of Kabbalah, enjoyed a review of the Jewish League in preparation for new material next week, and discussed how Jews are portrayed in popular culture, among other engaging topics—we’ve always got lots of meaningful Jewish learning going on!We’ll be together again next week at our regular […]
We were privileged to learn and be inspired by Roots founders and representatives, Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Shadi Abu Awwad, as they shared their vision of creating a culture of nonviolence, understanding, and transformation for Israelis and Palestinians despite the persistent Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We’ll see you next week at our regular time, 5-7:30 pm, at […]
We had a terrific, high energy opening day of HSJS 2019-2020/5780 yesterday! I so appreciate everyone’s commitment and dedication to our program and your willingness to try something new. Yesterday we enjoyed a meal together, sang and prayed, got a taste of the variety of electives that may be offered, and had some dedicated, shared […]
The day we’ve all been waiting for, Opening Day 5780, has finally arrived. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone this Sunday, September 8, at 5 pm at The Temple, our meeting spot this first semester. I’m attaching our calendar for the year and here’s all the important info you need to be ready to launch […]
I hope everyone enjoyed a fun, festive, safe 4th of July. Please take a moment to register your high schooler for our engaging, meaningful, ruach-filled 19-20 school year—it’s as simple as apple pie when you click right here: https://louisvillehsjs.org/register/.Quick reminder: if your high schooler is going to be working as one of our assistants or […]
Mazal tov on another great year of Jewish education, community-building, and engagement for our students and their families! Since the end of our school year, a task force including our clergy, faculty, and representatives from our Board and parents have been hard at work reviewing all of the great things that make our school such […]
We enjoyed a festive final day of the 2018-2019 school year today. Our awesome faculty wrapped up their lesson plans and we feasted on Shiraz for lunch! Here’s a look back at our year by the numbers: 22 weeks of classes + 1 snow day + 1 Louisville Jewish Film Festival film, A Bag […]