We had a great opening day, enjoying a spirited round of elective speed dating so that our students could rank their choices among the roughly 15 elective options. I’ll use those rankings to build our calendar so that there’ll be a nice mix of classes to sample over the course of our school year.We’re in […]
It’s not too late to join our ruach-filled community! HSJS is open to all Jewish high school students, regardless of synagogue affiliation. We meet on Sunday afternoons, roughly 2X/month, and we’re set to offer another year of engaging and meaningful Jewish learning starting on September 19, from 3:30-5:30 pm. You’ll be able to explore everything from Jews and Science Fiction to […]
We shared an incredible final session today, with Rabbi Rapport leading us in a study of the origin of Kabbalah, oneness, Tikkun olam, brokenness, repair, and the ocean. Make sure to ask your kids about it! We also reflected on this most unique year of study and camaraderie and recognized many notable student achievements.We expect to be […]
We enjoyed our last full learning day this week, looking at Golems and related themes in The Jewish League; examining how the Jewish community is responding to Asian-American and Pacific Islander racism and hate crimes; exploring Jewish identity in the modern age in first year Hot Topics; and preparing for Confirmation on Shavuot. Next week is […]
We lost no time today digging deeply into our elective and core classes, examining issues around voter ID laws through a Jewish lens, what sorts of things go into forming our Jewish identity, and other compelling topics.We’ll see everyone next Sunday, April 18, for our second to last session!
There were some common themes today in both Jewish Sources on Racial Justice and LGBTQ Judaism, with both classes bringing a Jewish lens to our discussions of the recent, anti-Asian massacre in Atlanta. Confirmation class is more than ready to lead the second night seder and our first year Hot Topics students enjoyed a thorough, […]
Our Jewish League students looked at the iconic creations of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, two of the most famous (and Jewish) comic book artists of all time. In Jewish Sources on Racial Justice, a different kind of superhero was studied: Ruth Bader Ginsberg. First year Hot Topics explored looking at the first anniversary of […]
We enjoyed some lively and engaging discussions today covering everything from the Baal Shem Tov; the Hasidic community vis a vis LGBTQ Jews; Jewish philosophy, spirituality and great Jewish thinkers, including Spinoza and Martin Buber; describing personal “G-d moments” and more! We’re meeting for the next two Sundays, March 14 and March 21, and then we’ll […]
This week we continued to examine Jewish themes and representation in super hero stories and film and began our study of Jewish Sources on Racial Justice during our elective block. Our Confirmation class is prepping for leading the 2nd night seder at The Temple and first year Hot Topics delved deeper into the Purim story, […]
This afternoon we continued our study of Kabbalah; had our first LGBTQ Judaism class where we examined Jewish, queer representation in film and television; and in keeping with current events, talked about Jews in Sports in our Hot Topics core class—tons of great Jewish learning going on!We’ll be back together for more meaningful, Jewish study […]