Our classrooms were rocking yesterday, with a virtually full house of engaged and inspiring Jewish learning!! Next Sunday is a very special day for us: most of the 10th graders will be traveling to Philadelphia under the guidance of Rabbi Miles, Allisa Stieha, and Justin Smith where they’ll visit one of the oldest synagogues in […]
Another great day in the books, even with two fall breaks and a NFTY Kallah going on! There were strains of the Klepper/Friedlander Shalom Rav and Tradition! from Fiddler, wonderful original artwork done in the styles of Chagall and Agam, an in-depth look at Jews in Football, and a lot more! Way to go, awesome […]
We couldn’t have designed a more perfect opening day for the High School of Jewish Studies!! Even with several big events going on (BBYO MAR/KIO Convention, Ironman triathlon…), we had a pretty full house and everyone was engaged in energetic, inspirational Jewish learning. Thank you for being completely on the ball and letting us know […]
With opening day two weeks from today, some of our classes are almost full–email your selections to Sarah (hsjssarah@gmail.com) ASAP!!
Sadly, we had to cancel our New Student overnight retreat and Climb NuLu bash scheduled for this Sunday/Monday September 6-7 due to lack of interest. frown emoticon We also won’t hold a new parent info session beforehand….If you have any questions at all about HSJS, email Sarah at hsjssarah@gmail.com!! There are still a handful of […]
The deadline to register for the Louisville High School of Jewish Studies has been extended to accommodate everyone’s vacation schedules!! Registration, tuition payments, and scholarship applications may all be done online. You’re already on our website: www.louisvillehsjs.org. Register today!! Jewish Feminism, Yiddish Language and Culture, Kabbalah, Jews in Sports, Recreating Jewish Art Through History, and many […]
Thank you to those of you who’ve already gone on to our website and registered for our upcoming, sure-to-be-fantastic school year!! Since you’re here and browsing around, go ahead and register if you haven’t already: It’s super easy, and you can do everything here, including paying your tuition or applying for scholarship assistance. Please take 10 minutes […]
MAZAL TOV TO HSJS!! Our website is now open for business–enjoy looking around and get yourselves registered for our upcoming, sure-to-be fantastic, 2015-2016 school year!! Go to www.louisvillehsjs.org right now while you’re thinking about it!
Dear HSJS Community, Our fabulous last day of HSJS 2014-2015/5774-5775 was filled with Confirmation parts selections, the nuances, irony, and symbolism of Trial of God, Jewish world changers, athletes, feminists, mystics, and studio tycoons, and more falafel and hummus than you’ve seen in one place! It was a privilege teaching your children this year. Looking […]
Dear HSJS Community, Great day of Jewish learning after our two week Pesach and spring break! Just a few reminders/pointers as we wrap up our successful 2014-2015/5774-5775 school year: Next Sunday is our last session and we’ll have a semi-regular day, same start time of 11:30, with slightly shorter classes running consecutively, and our celebratory […]