What a year we just completed!! For my fellow numbers folks—we just wrapped 24 weekly sessions, 1 snow day, 2 guest speakers, 1 Jewish film, 1 moving play, 1 amazing trip to Philadelphia, >1600 slices of pizza, and countless Oreo cookies. And when you apply the appropriate algebraic formula, that all adds up to 1 […]
Despite dueling BBYO and NFTY out-of-town events, we had a great day yesterday, full of Chaim Potak, Hebrew, Talmud, and deep Bioethics questions. We’re off next Sunday (Chag Sameach/Happy Passover to all) and our final session of the year is coming up on May 1st!! We’ll wrap up our coursework and have a celebratory lunch […]
I trust everyone had a rejuvenating Spring Break and you’re ready to finish off our HSJS year strong during our last two sessions! We’ll be together for engaging class time this coming Sunday, April 17th, we’re off April 24th for Pesach, and then we’ll come together again on Sunday, May 1st for our last session […]
Another great day of engaging Jewish learning yesterday: as always, thank you to those of you who let me know if your child would be absent or leaving early. You directly impact our planning process!! We’re off for the next two Sundays for Louisville-area-schools spring break. We’ll be back in session on April 17th, our […]
Here’s what’s cool about our terrific faculty and students: yesterday during lunch, before class, the Jews in the News students were debating which newsworthy Jewish person would be discussed during class. I’m pretty sure they guessed correctly—their lively discussion about Merrick Garland was just a small piece of the energizing Jewish learning that we’ve come […]
Great Jewish learning going on yesterday, which is as it should be!! In case you missed the terrific presentation by Scott Fried on March 6th, feel free to explore his website, www.scottfried.com, to discover more about his empowering work. It’s hard to believe, but we’re already coming down the home stretch for HSJS: we have […]
Yesterday we were inspired by Scott Fried who spoke to our students about valuing one’s own life and holding it sacred in order to refrain from dangerous behaviors that are common survival mechanisms in adolescence. Many thanks go to Keneseth Israel, Yonatan Yussman, Rabbi Wolk, and Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence for coordinating the entire […]
Yesterday evening at HSJS was another great example of the extraordinary Jewish learning we experience every week. Our Talmud scholars were deep in discussion, our Bioethics students delved into questions about genetic manipulation and when (if ever) it’s ok, and our news hounds looked at the recent, mysterious death of a Jewish prosecutor in Argentina. […]
Thanks to the Ann and Coleman Friedman Fund, we were treated to a wonderful, thought-provoking movie yesterday, Rock in the Red Zone, part of the Louisville Jewish Film Festival. Thanks also to Marsha Bornstein for coordinating everything so effortlessly. The overwhelming response from the students was an enthusiastic thumbs up! This coming Sunday, February 28th, […]
We lucked out with the snow yesterday and had a great session, even though we were a small but mighty group. I do need to emphasize again, that if you know your child will be absent, please let me know by 10 pm Saturday night (obviously illness is an exception)—it really makes a difference in […]