As is our custom, we had another inspiring day of Jewish learning at HSJS this afternoon. Our Moot Beit Din team is digging into their case, Stan Lee was remembered in The Jewish League, and the concept of privilege as it relates to our Jewish identity was explored in Jewish Relationships. This is just a […]
We were a small but mighty group today that explored everything from how we should live our lives according to middot to Kabbalah to how Captain America is really a golem. Thank you to those who let me know that your children would be absent today: it helps enormously in our pizza ordering and, even more […]
Today was/is a great day for our students—our annual trip to DC is currently underway where the students and their stellar chaperones have already visited the Lincoln Memorial, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, and they should be wrapping up a stealth visit to the Spy Museum right about now. There will be more monuments and […]