What a great day we had—our usual, engaging, inspired Jewish learning bookending a delightful performance by Hooshir, the Jewish a cappella group from IU that’s in town this weekend. We’re off the next two weeks: Chag Pesach Sameach and a safe spring break to all. When we return on April 15 we have a special […]
Thank you to Rabbi Jacowitz Chottiner for keeping us politically and socially aware: the Holocaust Education bill is coming up for a floor vote this week—please use the link below to find the contact info for your legislator and call and urge them to support this Judaically-vital piece of legislation: http://www.lrc.ky.gov/Find%20Your%20Legislator/Find%20Your%20Legislator.html If you’d like to […]
Our Moot Beit Din team handily countered the arguments presented to them by a competing team from Memphis; we had several students getting their Torah yoga on; and our Jews and Video Games students just finished taking a critical look at how Jews in the Holocaust are depicted in the newly released Call of Duty […]
Even with our small numbers because of a regional BBYO convention this weekend, we had an especially engaging afternoon. As part of the WZO Educators’ weekend here in Louisville, we had the opportunity to learn with Yosefi Perlmuter, who led a fascinating program about human rights in Israel. Ask your kids about it! And our […]