We were moved and inspired today by the film, Once in a Lifetime. If your child was there, make sure you ask her/him about it. Special thanks are due to Marsha Bornstein and her amazing committee for all the time and energy put into selecting the films each year; to the Ann and Coleman Friedman […]
Next week we will get to see one of the compelling films that’s part of this year’s Louisville Jewish Film Festival, Once in a Lifetime. Drop off and pick up will be at the Village 8 Theatre, 4014 Dutchmans Lane/Dupont Circle. Fred Whittaker, Science teacher and Holocaust Educator at St. Francis of Assisi will lead a […]
Today our Moot Beit Din team finished their written argument and will be submitting it this week; there were discussions about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and exploration of strategies Israel can choose regarding peace negotiations in the face of continuing terror attacks; and students learned what Judaism says about the use of doctors, the use of […]
I might sound like a broken record, but I’m pleased to share that we had more terrific, engaging Jewish learning going on today, including getting to hear from award-winning journalist, Uri Heilman about his career as a Jewish journalist and insight about both the history and future of journalism in our world today. Many thanks […]